75002 PARIS


In his solo exhibition LIZARD BRAIN, the American artist Brain Robertson (*1978) continues his series of his symbolic self-portraits using objects and symbols that represent a psychological state of himself and comment on a social zeitgeist.


The title of this exhibition alludes both to the theme of cacti and succulents, which the artist uses as narrative substitutes for himself, and to the themes he associates with them, such as sexuality and the enduring states of insecurity and over-confidence. "Lizard Brain" is also an adapted version of the term "monkey brain", which is used colloquially to describe the original parts of the human brain, especially the limbic system (old part of the brain, control of functions such as memory or emotions and vegetative regulation) and the amygdala (regulation of emotional expressions such as anxiety).  


The structure of the human brain is such that the neocortex (multisensory and motor part of the brain) is typically subordinated to the more primitive part.  In short, the parts of our mind that are charged with higher intelligence can be slaves to our emotions/vices through chemical stimuli generated by the original parts of the brain. If the latter are not controlled or examined, our behavior and reasoning can be completely motivated by this chemical hunger.  


For Robertson, it seems that life and our environment is more and more designed to artificially appeal to our "Lizard Brains" by allowing us to remain in states of artificial horniness, anger, etc.  Thus his new works can be read as a narrative record of the actual state he is currently in, his personal space and time structure.