During this year's Gallery Weekend *Discoveries and Art Week Berlin, Galerie Droste presents the ongoing CHRONICLES group exhibition on the grounds of the KPM Royal Porcelain-Manufactory in the heart of Berlin. 

Across various floors, selected works by thirty international artistic positions are curated, whose practices can be located in the fields of painting, sculpture, and digital art. In the midst of historical premises, the juxtaposition of the most diverse media comes together - an experimental embedding of modern visual language in the fascinating quarter of porcelain production. 


Ákos Ezer, Amir H. Fallah, Andrew Schoultz, Anouk Lamm Anouk, Asad Faulwell, Brian Robertson, Fabian Warnsing, Julia Gryboś & Barbora Zentková, Jaime Muñoz, James Jean, Jody Paulsen, Johanna Dumet, Kojiro Matsumoto, Libby Black, Loji Höskuldsson, Louis M. Schmidt, Lukas Glinkowski, Lydia Maria Pfeffer, Magdalena von Rudy, Manuel Wroblewski, Marco Paul Lorenzetti, Michael Günzer, Mira Makai, Navot Miller, Oh de Laval, Raphael Brunk, Richard Colman, Tamara Malcher, Tim Sandow, Umar Rashid, Wendell Gladstone, Willehad Eilers